No person may be denied citizenship or deprived thereof forpolitical reasons.Īll citizens, without distinction of race, national origin, birth,language, religion, sex, economic or social status, or opinion, shall haveequal rights and duties before the law.ġ. The manner of acquiring and losing citizenship shall be established bylaw.ģ. The people consists of all the citizens.Ģ. Theescutcheon, surmounted by an emabattlement with five points in Moorishstile, the two lateral points halved, shall be borne by two leopards rampantin natural form facing each other, resting on two lances crossing under thepoint of the escutcheon, with two palm leaves in natural form interlacedwith a white ribbon.ġ.

The emblem of Somalia shall be composed of an azure escutcheonwith a gold border and shall bear a silver five-pointed star. The national flag shall be azure in colour, rectangular, and shallhave a white star with five equal points emblazoned in its centre.ĥ. Islam shall be the religion of the State.Ĥ. No part of the peoplenor any individual may claim sovereignty or assume the right to exerciseit.ģ. Sovereignty belongs to the people who shall exercise it in theforms determined by the Constitution and the laws. The Somali people is oneand indivisible.Ģ. It is arepresentative, democratic and unitary Republic. Somalia is an independent and fully sovereign State. IN CONSTITUTING THEMSELVES into a unitary, sovereign andindependent Republic, lay down as the basis of the juridical and socialorder of the Somali Nation the following:ġ. THE SOMALI PEOPLECONSCIOUS of the sacred right of se1f-determination of peoplessolemnly consecrated in the Charter of the United Nations įIRMLY decided to consolidate and protect the independence ofthe Somali Nation and the right to liberty of its people, in a democracybased on the sovereignty of the people and on the equality of rights andduties of all citizens ĭETERMINED to cooperate with all peoples for the consolidationof liberty, justice and peace in the world, and in particular with thosepeoples with whom they are linked by history, religion, culture andpolitical outlook for the creation of a better future

IN THE NAME OF GODTHE MERCIFUL AND BENEFICIENT HEREBY PROMULGATESthe Constitution of the Somali Republic in the following text: HAVING SEEN paragraph 1 of the third article of the Transitionaland Final Provisions of the Constitution HAVING SEEN the first articles of the Transitional and FinalProvisions of the Constitution HAVING SEEN the decision of the Constituent Assembly of 21 June 1960, approving the Constitution of the Somali Republic THE PRESIDENT OF THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLYĪcting in his capacity as Provisional President of the Republic: The Constitution was published in the Official Bulletin No. It supersedesany English text previously published. The Constitution of the Democratic Republic of SomaliaĬonstitution of the Democratic Republic of Somalia enacted on 1st July,ġ960 amended up to 31 December 1963. Hoos ka akhriĪhaa ee TFG ee lagu soo sameeyey Nairobi (2002-2003) Akhri: Dastuurkii Jamhuuriyadda Soomaaliya 1960/1963.